For over a decade I’ve produced award winning documentaries and shorts, features, viral music videos, commercials and lifestyle videos. Born and raised in Philadelphia I was ecstatic to help establish as pop culture news phenomenon in the region that focuses on all the issues the traditional news doesn’t - the positive.

Lifestyle Photography & Social Media Influencer

Since moving to Los Angeles in 2016 I’ve developed a wanderlust for the world experiencing more in the past year than I ever could have imagined in my lifetime. There’s so many adventurous stories to be captured and unlike Twitter, Instagram proves a picture can still be worth a thousand words. Whatever your lifestyle and travel needs, commercial, photography or videos I’m always open to partnering with the most influential and inspiring brands on all media platforms. I also currently manage social media accounts for a variety of clients with a combined following of 250,000.


It’s no secret that television has become king of entertainment and with the globalization of shows through online platforms content ideas are as endless as our imaginations. From pitch to pilot to production we can collaborate on exactly what your hit series will be and how we can get it to the world! For current projects in progress feel free to contact me.